Callback Listing

University of Wyoming – Session 6

Adjudicator: Leigh Selting – (307) 766-2199

Students Called Back

Kelsey Kasel
Félix Figueroa Rosario
Emma Tischart
Cory Sapienza
Kyleigh McPeek
Jaeda Shackley
Sophia Badia
Joshua Cellar
Rachel Miller
Dallin Lyon
Marissa Meadows
Keelyn Williams
Naomi VanGulick
Seth Lindsey
Hannah Routon
Abigail Mahnken
Milagros Burney
Devin Whitney
Austin Hand
Trevor Targowski
Bri Angle
Brianna Fleeman

Adjudicator Comments

Congratulations on your callback to the University of Wyoming! Please stop by our table any time today (Friday) between 4:00pm and 5:00pm, or tomorrow, (Saturday) anytime between 8:30am and 12 noon.

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