Jr Student Individual Events
Colorado Thespians offers Individual Events at the Junior Thespian Conference. The Colorado Junior Individual Events program is intended to be an educational event that offers delegates the opportunity, using the audition approach, to receive constructive feedback on prepared theatrical material. The goal for participating students is to find their talent, strengths, and weaknesses and to grow as theatre artists. This process also supports Teacher Effectiveness for the Colorado Teacher Effectiveness process.
The middle school IEs culminate in the selection of a performance showcase cast of outstanding entries, featured on the afternoon main stage for the Junior Thespian Conference attendees.
Middle School students may participate in the following IE categories: Monologues, Duet Acting, Solo Musical, Duet Musical, and Group Musical Theatre.
As of now, Tech IEs are not offered at the middle school level. However, students may participate in the Jr Tech Challenge.
Students not participating are encouraged to watch individual event selections as they are being adjudicated for their educational value. Students are limited to signing up for only one event.
Student participation in IEs is optional and not required to attend Jr ThesCon.
There is an additional $25 fee for the Individual Events per participant.
Quick Rules:
- All Individual Events must not exceed the 5 minute time limit
- Monologue IEs are limited to 2 minutes (may be one monologue or two contrasting monologues)
- Students may be stopped at the end of their time limit
- Students must select material from scripts written for theatre (film, poetry, literature, pop music, or internet productions are ineligible)
- Troupe Directors will receive student feedback via email after the morning sessions conclude
- If selected for the Mainstage, a student’s troupe director will be notified via the contact information in the troupe director’s registration account